We reported on experimental verification of quantum non-Gaussianity of a heralded single photon state with positive Wigner function [arXiv:1107.4305]. We unambiguously demonstrated that the generated state cannot be expressed as a mixture of Gaussian states. A sufficient information to witness
Hadamard gate for coherent state qubits

We have experimentally demonstrated a single mode Hadamard gate for coherent state qubits by using a hybrid projector system consisting of a conditional homodyne detector and a photon counter. This implementation constitutes the first step towards the demonstration of quantum
Hacking single photon detector module

FYI, reblogged from http://www.iet.ntnu.no/groups/optics/qcr/pictures.html SPCM-AQR from Perkin Elmer dismounted and analyzed… See Vadim Makarov’s page http://www.vad1.com/ for details…