Maximum likelihood gingerbread from Olomouc #gingerbread, #quantum, #MaxLik, #Schroedinger, #Fisher, #QOLO, #Olomouc, #Zdeněk Hradil
Merry Xmas and Happy New Year!

Maximum likelihood gingerbread from Olomouc #gingerbread, #quantum, #MaxLik, #Schroedinger, #Fisher, #QOLO, #Olomouc, #Zdeněk Hradil
We have successfully used a fast electronic feed forward to increase the success probability of a linear optical implementation of a programmable phase gate from 25% to its theoretical limit of 50% [Phys. Rev. A 85, 012305 (2012)]. The feed
We reported on experimental verification of quantum non-Gaussianity of a heralded single photon state with positive Wigner function [Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 213602 (2011)]. We unambiguously demonstrated that the generated state cannot be expressed as a mixture of Gaussian states.