Martina, 2nd year PGS student from our group, shines at the cover page of Laser System Europe magazine. The original photo (C) Viktor Čáp
Rising star (of laser safety) from QOLO

Martina, 2nd year PGS student from our group, shines at the cover page of Laser System Europe magazine. The original photo (C) Viktor Čáp
Video ze Dne otevřených dveří na katedře optiky Přírodovědecké fakulty Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci dne 23. listopadu 2012.
What happens when a collimated beam of light hits a narrow slit? For the slit that is only slightly narrower than the beam, it appears that the slit cuts out part of the beam. When the slit opening decreases, the
In QOLO we use shutters mainly for switching between different input signals, such as probe laser and single photons, and for closing individual paths of complex interferometric setups. Typically, there are two methods how to achieve this goal based on