Quantum processors and sensors promise to outperform their classical counterparts. Still, they require classical control signals, which affect their operation in a highly nontrivial way. An example: electrical voltages controlling a photonic chip or a superconducting circuit. We developed a
QOLO presentations at the Eastern European Machine Learning Summer School, 1-9 July 2020
Three members of the QOLO group (Dominik Koutný, Martin Bielak, Dominik Vašinka) presented video posters at the Eastern European Machine Learning Summer School (EEML). EEML summer school is a one-week summer school around core topics regarding machine learning and artificial
Countex – a QOLO-made counter and coincidence unit
We would like to share the information about the counter we have recently developed for our needs in the laboratory. Countex is an FPGA-based scientific-grade counter of electronic pulses. It allows for high-speed pulse counting with temporal resolution down to
High school research project on dynamic light scattering
Martin Čmel from Gymnázium Jiřího Wolkera Prostějov has participated in Students` Professional Activities (SPA) founded by the Czech Ministry of Education and annually organized by the National pedagogical institute of the Czech Republic. Martin developed a device for dynamic light
Optical tables installation
Workshop: Photons Beyond Qubits 2019
Optical tables for our new labs just arrived
Lukáš Slodička received prestigious Neuron Award
Lukáš was awarded Neuron Award for Young Scientists for detecting the quantum properties of light emitted from a large number of single-atom sources (10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.253602) and founding experimental quantum atomic physics research in Czechia. Lukáš and his AMO team at Quantum
Profesor Jan Peřina zlatým absolventem Univerzity Palackého
Prof. Jan Peřina, zakladatel skupiny kvantové optiky v Olomouci, převzal diplom na zlaté promoci absolventů Univerzity Palackého po 50 letech od ukončení studia. Prof. Peřina (vlevo) v Laboratoři kvantové optiky a informatiky.
Our undergraduate student team strikes back!
From left to right: Robert, Robert, Jan, Josef & some unknown Mafioso