We would like to share the information about the counter we have recently developed for our needs in the laboratory. Countex is an FPGA-based scientific-grade counter of electronic pulses. It allows for high-speed pulse counting with temporal resolution down to few nanoseconds. It also features advanced functionality and connectivity. Countex is designed to be used with radiation or single-photon detectors, such as avalanche-photodiodes, superconducting nano-wires, photomultipliers, or Geiger-Mueller tubes.
The new feature added in 2020 is the coincidence unit. The coincidence window is typically set to 4 ns (or 8/16 ns) but can be as short as 1 ns. We successfully tested the coincidence counting with testing signal from pulse generators and also with photon pairs from a SPDC source detected with single-photon avalanche diodes.
More technical details are in the attached PDF. What do you think? Would you find use for such a multi-channel counter?
Web interface as a remote control. Touchscreen control