Martin Čmel from Gymnázium Jiřího Wolkera Prostějov has participated in Students` Professional Activities (SPA) founded by the Czech Ministry of Education and annually organized by the National pedagogical institute of the Czech Republic.
Martin developed a device for dynamic light scattering (DLS) and analyzed the size of various nanoparticles. He has participated in experimental work, sample preparation, data acquisition, and processing. The results were compared with those obtained using a state-of-the-art DLS device. Martin has recently finished his thesis Dynamic Light Scattering and prepared the video presentation (both in Czech). The presentation slides are also available. He has successfully passed the initial rounds of the contest and will attend the national round.
To further support the presentation of his work, Martin has prepared a poster.

EDIT Jul 2, 2020:
Martin won the third prize in the national round of Students` Professional Activities. Congratulations!