In collaboration with theoretical quantum physicists from Pavia, Italy, we have studied minimum-energy quantum reading. Here in Quantum Optics Lab Olomouc we have demonstrated some efficient reading protocols using fiber-optics interferometric setup which encodes two quantum bits in which-way degree
Photons Beyond Qubits – Workshop on Quantum Information Processing in Olomouc
When: April, 23-25, 2012 Where: Faculty of Science, Palacký University, 17. listopadu 12, Olomouc, Czech Republic [map] What: Workshop on quantum information processing with single photons and other discrete quantum systems. Specific topics include: Single photon generation and manipulation Working with
Na foton si posvítili vědci z Katedry optiky Přírodovědecké fakulty Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci
Tým vědců kolem doc. Radima Filipa z Katedry optiky PřF UP si znovu posvítil na foton. Nejprve v prestižním americkém časopise Physical Review Letters [1] publikoval nové kritérium neklasických projevů slabých proudů fotonů, po šesti měsících pak toto kritérium v nové
Increasing efficiency of a linear-optical quantum gate using an electronic feed forward
We have successfully used a fast electronic feed forward to increase the success probability of a linear optical implementation of a programmable phase gate from 25% to its theoretical limit of 50% [Phys. Rev. A 85, 012305 (2012)]. The feed
Experimental test of the quantum non-Gaussian character of a heralded single-photon state
We reported on experimental verification of quantum non-Gaussianity of a heralded single photon state with positive Wigner function [Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 213602 (2011)]. We unambiguously demonstrated that the generated state cannot be expressed as a mixture of Gaussian states.
Hadamard gate for coherent state qubits
Our paper on Hadamard gate for coherent state qubits (Schroedinger cat-like states) has been published in Physical Review A as Rapid Communication [Phys. Rev. A 84, 050301(R) (2011)]. The project was done in cooperation of prof. Ulrik L. Andersen’s group
Mezinárodní centrum pro informaci a neurčitost
Cílem společného projektu Katedry optiky a Katedry Informatiky Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci, Mezinárodní centrum pro informaci a neurčitost (MCIN), je posílit mezinárodní vědeckou spolupráci v oblasti kvantové optiky, kvantové informatiky, teorie informace a neurčitosti v datech. Nejdůležitějšími zahraničními partnery Laboratoře kvantové optiky a informatiky
Experimental test of quantum non-Gaussianity of heralded single photon state
We reported on experimental verification of quantum non-Gaussianity of a heralded single photon state with positive Wigner function [arXiv:1107.4305]. We unambiguously demonstrated that the generated state cannot be expressed as a mixture of Gaussian states. A sufficient information to witness
Hadamard gate for coherent state qubits
We have experimentally demonstrated a single mode Hadamard gate for coherent state qubits by using a hybrid projector system consisting of a conditional homodyne detector and a photon counter. This implementation constitutes the first step towards the demonstration of quantum